- What is the largest kosher animal found in the WILD AREAS of North America? Answer: Moose (can weigh up to 1600 pounds!)
- What early spring flower petals make the shape of a Star of David? Answer: Daffodil
- What are two kosher foods that come from non-Kosher animals? Answer: Honey and mother’s milk
- What root vegetable do the ancient Sages of Jewish tradition forbid to be used for the bitter herb on Passover because it was considered “too dangerous” to eat? Answer: Horseradish
- What tree not only provides fruit but also oil that once filled the Eternal Light in the Great Temple? Answer: Olive
- What Yiddish word used to describe a type of kosher food has the same meaning as “vegetarian?” Answer: Parve
- All fruit and vegetables are kosher except for one if made into a certain product; what is it and what is the product? Answer: Grapes made into wine
- After Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden, what is the first food the Torah mentions? Answer: Bread
- What are two fruits or vegetables named after cities in Israel? Answer: Jaffa oranges and Jerusalem artichokes
- Why have wasps been vital to the continuation of Jewish tradition? Answer: The galls they make on oak leaves have been used to make ink for writing on Torah scrolls and mezuzah parchment
Thanks for joining us at Family Fun Day – we hope you had a blast!
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Click here to learn more about all of our activities at camp, including our Teva (nature) programs!